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Creative Direction & Design

We started our creative explorations by creating three territories, out of which the chosen one, named "Connector", allowed us to create a direction based on the idea of connectedness and human interaction.

Our client needed a brand shift and shy of redesigning their logo, we set out to change the perception in the market and evolve the brand — and the corporate website — and differentiate them among competition.​

Discover & Define

Our project started with getting deep understanding of our users and their unique problems and needs. We Began with user interviews to get a sense of the current product value and to identify problems and opportunities. At the same time we analyzed Berkley's current brand positioning and where they stand against their competitors.

Website redesign for a fortune 500 client


W. R. Berkley Corporation

Original Photography

We did a photo shoot for Berkley with the goal of creating a visual representation of the company's value premise Everything Counts, Everyone Matters.
The concept was created to bring to life the three pillars through photography - integrity, accountability, and transparency. Showing that through photography is a pointed way of reinforcing these values that will resonate with the website visitors.

Original Illustration

We created a library of custom illustration, originally designed to bring to life abstract concepts such as accountability or corporate transparency and to enrich the brand's visual language.

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